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Excellent Seer of Indigo Abbey rating 1714
PVP Games - 8 12 % win
R(1600, 1714)= win 79 / -10 lose -10 / 41
Excellent Seer of Indigo Abbey01non10/25/2023 8:38:49 PM 
Excellent Seer of Indigo Abbey01RedSunBot9/8/2023 7:01:25 PM 
Excellent Seer of Indigo Abbey01slewz1236/25/2022 8:27:02 AM 
RedSunBot01RedSunBot6/7/2022 10:29:57 PM?
Excellent Seer of Indigo Abbey01Aly Mohammed6/7/2022 10:09:45 PM 
Excellent Seer of Indigo Abbey11RedSunBot6/7/2022 9:51:21 PM 
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